Holidays “Unprocessed” Challenge

Are you tired of the so-so stuffing, dried out fudge and canned food creations? This season, we challenge you to “Unprocess” your Holiday! Just remember how the holidays used to be: Grandma’s homemade pies, Grandpa’s perfectly carved turkey, Mom’s silky whipped potatoes and crunchy green beans and, of course, Dad’s “must have” made-from-scratch pancake breakfast. Let’s fight back against the processed foods invading our holidays and get back to cooking in our kitchens. It’s the perfect time of year to pull out Grandma’s recipe box and cook together as a family!

> Cook from scratch using whole “unprocessed” foods

> Reduce boxed, prepackaged and canned foods from your meals

> Include as many colors as possible in your menu

> Use fresh or dried herbs and spices to flavor dishes

> Try out one new food at each social gathering

> Make favorite family recipes from scratch

> Experiment with making your own salad dressings, gravies and sauces

> Cut out caloric beverages that have added sugars

> Stick to foods that have less than 5 ingredients

> Cook as a family, enjoy the time together, create memories!

Slow down, savor the flavor and FEEL BETTER this holiday season. Happy “Unprocessed” Holiday Season!